SmartSpeech SDK for Microsoft Unity is an immersive voice service that enables speech recognition and creation of voice-controlled apps for Windows. The SDK is integrated into Unity Platform, allowing developers to code voice applications that easily adapt to the Windows architecture. Developers can also use voice services from the SDK in the local machine too. Developers can create their own voice services to […]
FreePixy is an SDK for Unity, developed with
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Keyweah is a quite small app and it is possible to download it from this page.
Download Page - Keyweah for Windows and MacA New Method of Measuring Sensory Decoding Accuracy.
Sense of hearing in people with cochlear implants (CIs) is highly variable. Almost everyone with CIs is able to detect speech in noisy environments, but can only approximately localize the sound sources. We developed a new method to measure sensory
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Extremely easy to use and simple to set up – if you are only making home movies, this application is a great way to create yours.
The product is highly customizable which includes the background color, default settings, DVD menu, adding the main menu and thumbnail background. The DVD menu contains many features such as chapters, subtitles, audio, background and so on, which can be added before burning your full length movies.
You can easily add movie posters or photos to your videos by 66cf4387b8 baylelle
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or higher
■ 3 seconds CD or other music file
■ Note: When dowsn't work, it will dowsn't play the CD.
■ Note: When the CD is done playing, you can pause the music and start again
■ Copy file to the MS Windows directory.
Example paths are:
■ Windows\CDBurner\
■ Windows\Common Files\ 66cf4387b8 frayam