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Oct 18, 2013 It takes the prefix and create sequential names for multiple files. ... Mac comes with a very handy application called Automator, which is useful to automate ... You can open the automator from the spotlight or from Launcher.. Jan 6, 2016 Open up automator and make a new Workflow document. Screen Shot ... tell application "Google Chrome" to open location theURL. end repeat. ec2f99d4de sharaff
May 5, 2019 opening it directly from ~/Applications/ . 2. Select Quick Action template. 3. Get Selected Files/Folders from Finder. The first step.... Dec 1, 2016 First, let's start by creating what Automator calls a folder action. This is an action that's run on any file added to a given folder, like a ... Automator folder actions are saved in ~/Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions.... Feb 6, 2015 Normally, if you want to close all of the open apps on your Mac, you'd have to ... Open up Automator from your Applications folder or through Spotlight, then ... When you're done, go to "File" -> "Save," name your application...